Earn Karma from Orphans During Wintersday

An orphan girl from the Guild Wars 2 Wintersday event

Wintersday orphans are the best GW2 Karma farm, if you consider time spent vs Karma earned. It’s also one of the few ways to exchange gold for Karma. However, you can only do the “orphan farm” once a day, and only during Wintersday.

Get Wrapped Gifts to Give Orphans

First, you have to create Wrapped Gifts. You will need 30 rolls to complete a full run each day.

You need two items for each Wrapped Gift:

  • A Roll of Wrapping Paper
  • A gift item

To start, buy 30 Rolls of Wrapping Paper from the Charity Corps Seraph in the Crown Pavilion of Divinity’s Reach.

NOTE: You don’t get a price break for buying Rolls of Wrapping Paper in bulk. 15 costs the same per item as buying a single roll.

Next, you need gift items. You can make a Wrapped Gift out of:

  • Ugly Wool Items
    • 4 Ugly Wool Socks
    • 1 Ugly Wool Sweater
    • 2 Ugly Wool Hats
  • Toy Skins
    • 1 Princess Wand Skin
    • 1 Candy Cane Hammer Skin
    • 1 Slingshot Skin
    • 1 Pop Gun Skin
    • 1 Wooden Dagger Skin
    • 1 Bell Focus Skin
    • 1 Toy Staff Skin
    • 1 Toy Sword Skin
  • Wintersday Food Buffs
    • 1 Tropical Peppermint Cake
    • 1 Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream
    • 1 Peppermint Omnomberry Bar

Don’t buy these gift items from the Charity Corps Seraph. They cost 504 Karma each, which defeats the purpose of Karma farming.

If you don’t have any of these items on hand, we recommend you buy them from the Trading Post. The best prices are usually found on:

  • Ugly Wool Hat (buy 2 for each gift)
  • Ugly Wool Sock (buy 4 for each gift)
  • Candy Cane Hammer Skin
  • Bell Focus Skin

Interact with the Charity Corps Seraph again and buy Wrapped Gifts in exchange for your Rolls of Wrapping Paper and gift items.

Load Up on Karma Buffs

Before you go looking for orphans, stack up as many karma buffs as you can:

  • Karma buff from the Guild Tavern. (Requires you belong to a guild with tavern buffs, and have the expansion packs.)
  • Guild Karma banners. Many guilds will drop them for players around the Wintersday area in Divinity’s Reach, especially after reset.
  • Spirit Banner
  • Winter’s Blessing consumables, which you can earn by doing the Donation Drive daily during Wintersday.
  • Wintersday food (Note: You can only have one food effect at a time)
    • Peppermint Omnomberry Bar
    • Tropical Peppermint Cake
    • Scoop of Mintberry Swirl Ice Cream
  • Wintersday utility (Note: You can only have one utility effect at a time)
    • Tin of Fruitcake
    • Peppermint Oil
    • Candy Cane

Find Orphans and Give Them Gifts

Finally, run around Divinity’s Reach giving those Wrapped Gifts to orphans. Each orphan will accept one gift per day, and will reward you with karma.

We highly recommend using the TacO overlay for Wintersday. TacO has a set of markers for Wintersday orphans in Divinity’s Reach. This saves you having to keep a YouTube guide open on your phone or second monitor.

For more information about TacO, including step-by-step instructions for installing and using it, see our TacO guide.

If you prefer not to use TacO, there are several maps of orphan locations available. The map at GW2timer.com includes a route so you can be sure to hit every orphan without having to backtrack.


Do this every day during the Wintersday event!

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