I was in a bit of a rush to get through this portion of the leveling journey, because you get a Black Lion Chest Key for finishing the level 60 story, and I love me some keys!
On a whim, I went to Lion’s Arch and bought a bunch of Spirit Banners. I have almost 6,000 Spirit Shards, so why not? You can’t really use Spirit Shards for anything else. They don’t boost XP gain, but they give +10% to karma, magic find, and gold from kills for 30 minutes.

My problem with banners is, I never know where to put them. It’s weird to tie yourself into knots second-guessing where to put a semi-disposable imaginary item in a video game, but that’s what life with anxiety is like. I decided to drop them at the first waypoint in the Norn starter area each time I start playing.
Magister Sieran: The Underrated Mentor
I picked the Priory for my baby Revenant. This is my favorite faction because of your mentor, Magister Sieran. Tybalt of the Order of Whispers faction is the fan favorite, but I like Sieran best. She’s young, spirited, sassy, clever, and she has a lot of heart.
Baby’s First Revenant Build
Now that I’m more than halfway to the level cap, it seemed like a good time to actually look at builds. Instead of what I had been doing up to this point, which was basically clicking to add traits at random.

The Basic Revenant build at metabattle.com seems to suit my play style well. Call me pumpkin spice because I am, first and foremost, basic AF.
I felt validated by this build, because it has you use the weapons (Hammer and Sword/Sword) and stances (Dwarf and Assassin) which I had started gravitating towards anyway. However, one thing was clear: I needed more Hero Points.
I’ve been lax about getting Hero Points as I level, and now I regret it. I could just buy them from the WvW vendor, but instead I decided to go back over maps I’ve already been through, collecting Hero Points so I can fill out my build.
Instead of Ugg boots, a Basic Revenant wears Marauder armor. However, Marauder armor comes in only two forms: Craftable Exotic (Draconic/Emblazoned/Exalted) and Ascended (Svaard’s). Both forms have a level 80 requirement.
So until I get to level 80, I settled on Zealot’s armor as a close approximation.

I finished out this tier by doing map completion on Dredgehaunt Cliffs. Every time I kick back and work on map completion, I wonder why I don’t do it more often. It’s so relaxing, and isn’t that why we play video games? To relax? (Sometimes I wonder…)