This GW2 walkthrough and strategy guide covers all the basics you need to know to farm Wintersday Gifts in Tixx’s Infinirarium during Wintersday. Known simply as “Tixx,” this seasonal dungeon will earn you 50 Wintersday Gifts the first time you complete it each day, and 25 Wintersday Gifts every time after.
You will need at least a few other players to complete Tixx. You don’t need a full party, but the more players you have with you, the faster you will complete it. Use LFG to find a party to join.
Tixx’s Infinirarium has eleven phases.
Gather Presents
Pick up presents and bring them to the Princess Doll on the central pavilion.
Skritt will try to grab the presents and run away with them. If you successfully attack the skritt stealing the present, the skritt will drop the presents. You can then pick them up and deposit them.
TIP: These skritt have a lot of health, and travel in groups which do a lot of damage. It’s more efficient to ignore them and keep looking for fresh presents.
Paint the Princess Dolls
Pick up a makeup gun (Plasma Paint Cannon) from the central pavilion, and use it to shoot Princess Dolls. There are 40 dolls in total. To keep track, watch the counter in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
TIP: The last few dolls can often be found behind the big scenery pieces, around the farthest edge of the map.
Defend the Hamlet
This is one of two “cap the objective” phases. Sometimes you’ll find yourself in a party with one or more players who insist that everyone:
- Kill everything except one designated Veteran Skritt
- Stand outside the circle and “pull” the skritt outside
TIP: These tactics don’t make the event go faster. At best, you might shave a few seconds off your time. But it’s not worth arguing with a party member who insists on it. Be a good sport and play along with their request.
Destroy the hostile seed turrets. In experienced groups, the players split up, with half moving clockwise around the map, and half moving counter-clockwise.
Defend the Ventari
Protect the Ventari toys by killing the hostile Princess Dolls.
Eight Waves of Toy Soldiers
If you do Tixx enough, you memorize the order in which the toy soldiers appear. If you haven’t gotten to that point, one of your party members probably has. Watch to see which of your party knows where the toy soldiers will show up next, and follow them.
Defend the Griffon Aerie
The second “cap the objective” event. As before, some players will insist you do this event a particular way. Just do it – it’s not worth arguing about.
Kill Tar Elementals and Oil Machines
Two orange circles appear on the map, indicating two machines which need to be oiled with the ooze from Tar Elementals. Kill the Tar Elementals, which will drop balls of ooze. Pick up these balls and apply them to the machines.
TIP: Save yourself a bit of effort, and start by killing the Tar Elementals closest to the machines.
Fight the Upstairs Skritt
Head up the stairs and take the teleporter to the next level. Kill four groups of hostile skritt.
TIP: You will need to teleport off this level. Don’t try to jump. Your glider and mounts don’t work here. You will die, and it will be embarrassing.
Gather Plant Food
Similar to phase 1 (gather presents), here you have to gather bundles of Plant Food and give them to the Ventari toy at the central pavilion. Skritt will try to steal the Plant Food. You can attack them to retrieve it, but it’s not worth the trouble.
Typically, your party will be able to gather 11 bundles of Plant Food before they run out, and everyone has to wait for them to respawn. If you need the Wintersday Wrecking Ball achievement, this is a good time to run around destroying the scenery.
TIP: The best place to wait for the second spawn of plant food is the grid of walls directly north of the central pavilion.
In theory, you’re supposed to attack the Unstable Toy Golems and get them to explode, damaging Toxx. In practice, use condition attacks to wear down Toxx’s breakbar, then throw a lot of DOTs (Damage Over Time attacks), like Bleed and Burn. Toxx can usually be killed within three burns. (Power creep? What power creep?)
Wintersday Wrecking Ball Achievement
There’s an achievement for destroying all of the scenery in Tixx’s Infinirarium. This achievement can only be completed once per account.
The easiest way to get this achievement is to finish the dungeon, then stay after and destroy any remaining diorama objects. The dungeon won’t close until everyone is gone, so the rest of your party can leave if they don’t need the achievement.