Guild Wars 2 has released the trailer for the next chapter of the Icebrood Saga, called Jormag Rising. Click here to watch the trailer on YouTube. The trailer shows off some of the features being added with Jormag Rising, including:
- Expanded meta event, and map: Storm the Frost Citadel
- Upgraded waystation mastery, something called a “Medizooka”
- Enhanced shiver emote
- Frost Legion infusion which gives your character an icy appearance
- Dominion Tribune weapon set
- Stormcaller weapons: Tier 2
- Empowered Boneskinner weapons
- Three new Adventures, including one called Favor of the Spirits
Jormag Rising will be released on July 28.
As with No Quarter, this chapter will be released without voice acting, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The voice acting will be recorded and patched in at a later date, when it’s safe for the actors and developers to return to the studio.