Learn more about ascended trinkets, including how to get the most popular sets, how to equip more than one of the same trinket, and more.
Trinkets are Accessories, Amulets, and Rings. A full set of trinkets consists of two Accessories, one Amulet, and two Rings. There are no craftable ascended Trinkets at this time.
Unlike ascended armor and weapons, you can’t stat-swap ascended trinkets in the Mystic Forge. Be sure to choose ascended trinkets with the right stats. If you change your build, you will need a new set of trinkets.
- Equipping Multiples
- Stat-Selectable Trinkets Don’t Have All Stats
- Stat-Selectable LWS3 and Ascended Viper’s Trinkets
- Ascended Basic Stats Trinkets (Including Berserker’s)
- Ascended Diviner’s Trinkets
- Ascended Grieving Trinkets
- Ascended Harrier’s Trinkets
- Ascended Marshal’s Trinkets
- Ascended Nomad’s Trinkets
- Ascended Sinister Trinkets
Equipping Multiples
You can’t equip more than one of the same trinket. For example, if you want a full set of trinkets with Berserker’s stats, you will need to buy one Ring of Red Death and one Crystalline Band. You can’t equip two Crystalline Bands.
However, you don’t always have that option. Some sets (like Diviner’s) only have one Ring or Accessory. What to do?
In this situation, you can turn one trinket into another version by either infusing or attuning it. This lets you equip one Ring of Red Death and one Infused Ring of Red Death, for example.
For more information on this process, see the official wiki’s articles on infused equipment and attuned equipment.
Stat-Selectable Trinkets Don’t Have All Stats
Another option is to get stat-selectable ascended trinkets, which let you choose your stats. However, be aware that not all stats are available for each trinket.
For example, the stat-selectable ascended trinket Healer’s Energized Loop only lets you choose from Apothecary’s, Celestial, Cleric’s Diviner’s, Giver’s, Harrier’s, Magi’s, Marshal’s, Minstrel’s, Plaguedoctor’s, or Seraph stats. If you want Berserker’s or Grieving stats, you will need to get a different trinket.
To find stat-selectable trinkets for your build, use the Equipment query page on the official wiki. Set the prefix you need, then click Search.
Stat-Selectable Living World Season 3 and Ascended Viper’s Trinkets
You can get a set of stat-selectable ascended trinkets on the Living World Season 3 maps of Bitterfrost Frontier, Ember Bay, and Draconis Mons.
If you want this set, get ready to farm: A full set of these stat-selectable trinkets costs 15,000 Unbound Magic plus 500 Winterberries, 300 Petrified Wood, and 225 Fire Orchids.
Ascended Viper’s trinkets are in high demand, especially for raid builds. Unfortunately, there are no specific ascended trinkets with Viper’s stats. Instead, you will need to get stat-selectable ascended trinkets.
Most build guides recommend the LWS3 stat-selectable trinkets for Viper’s builds:
- Accessory: Black Ice Earring, 4,000 Unbound Magic + 300 Winterberries (Bitterfrost Frontier)
- Accessory: Sparking Petrified Wood, 4,000 Unbound Magic + 300 Petrified Wood (Ember Bay)
- Ring: Black Ice Band, 2,000 Unbound Magic + 200 Winterberries (Bitterfrost Frontier)
- Ring: Gilded Orchid Band, 2,000 Unbound Magic + 100 Fire Orchid Blossoms (Draconis Mons)
- Amulet: Fire Orchid Garland, 3,000 Unbound Magic + 125 Fire Orchid Blossom (Draconis Mons)
Ascended Basic Stats Trinkets (including Berserker’s)
There are several ways to get trinkets with the core set of basic stats, including the ever-popular Berserker’s stats.
Ascended Basic Trinkets for Laurels
Laurel Merchants sell ascended trinkets in all the core stats, plus Plaguedoctor, Diviner, Assassin, Carrion, Magi, Nomad’s, Sinister, and Sentinel stats, in exchange for Laurels, gold, and Globs of Ectoplasm.
A full set of ascended trinkets costs:
- Two Accessories: 80 Laurels + 100 Globs of Ectoplasm (40 Laurels + 50 Globs each)
- One Amulet: 30 Laurels
- Two Rings: 70 Laurels (35 Laurels each)
If you have Laurels, this is a good way to use them. You can only earn Laurels as a log-in reward, so if you’re a newer player, you may not have many Laurels.
NOTE: You must finish their related Living World Season 2 achievements in order to unlock the Nomad’s and Sinister trinkets. See the Laurel Merchant page on the official wiki for more details about which achievement you need to unlock each trinket.
Ascended Basic Trinkets for Magnetite Shards
Raid vendors sell ascended trinkets in all the core stats in exchange for Magnetite Shards and gold.
A full set of ascended trinkets costs:
- Two Accessories: 500 Magnetite Shards + 8 gold (250 Magnetite Shards + 4 gold each)
- One Amulet: 250 Magnetite Shards + 4 gold
- Two Rings: 500 Magnetite Shards + 8 gold (250 Magnetite Shards + 4 gold each)
If you enjoy doing raids, this is a great way to earn a set of ascended trinkets. If you have never tried a raid but are interested in learning, keep an eye out for guild recruitment messages which mention raid training. You can also check the LFG panel for training raids.
Ascended Basic Accessories for Guild Commendations
Guild Commendation Traders sell ascended Accessories (but not Rings or Amulets) in all the core stats, in exchange for Guild Commendations and gold.
Two ascended Accessories costs 24 Guild Commendations + 10 gold.
If you are not in a guild, or not in a guild that does missions, keep an eye out for guild recruitment messages in map chat. These are particularly common during meta events, and in the capital cities during busy times (weekend afternoons and evenings and weeknight evenings after reset).
A set of weekly guild missions typically takes 1-2 hours to complete. In this time, you will usually do 3-4 guild missions, thus earning 6-8 Guild Commendations. Ascended Accessories cost 5 gold + 12 Guild Commendations. Therefore, it takes 2-3 weeks of guild missions to get both ascended Accessories.
Ascended Basic Rings for Pristine Fractal Relics
Fractal vendors sell ascended Rings (but not Accessories or Amulets) in all the core stats except Nomad’s and Sinister, in exchange for Pristine Fractal Relics and gold.
Two ascended Rings costs 20 Pristine Fractal Relics (10 Relics each).
Ascended Diviner’s Trinkets
You can buy ascended Diviner’s trinkets at The Forge in Thunderhead Peaks in exchange for Laurels and Globs of Ectoplasm.
This set has only one Ring and one Accessory. This means in order to fill out your equipment, you will either need to get a stat-selectable Ring and Accessory, or buy a second copy of each and infuse or attune them to create a new version.
- Accessory: Dagnar’s Badge. 40 Laurels + 50 Globs of Ectoplasm.
- Ring: Jalis’s Signet Ring. 35 Laurels.
- Amulet: Frodak’s Steel Star. 30 Laurels.
Ascended Grieving Trinkets
You can buy Grieving ascended trinkets for Elegy Mosaics, Pulsing Brandsparks, and Laurels in Desert Highlands. These trinkets are only sold by the Primeval Steward vendor in Tomb of the Primeval Kings.
NOTE: This set has only one Accessory. This means in order to fill out your equipment, you will either need to get a stat-selectable Accessory, or buy a second Anthem of Liberty and either infuse or attune it to create a new version.
- Accessory: Mourning Bell. 125 Elegy Mosaics + 20 Pulsing Brandsparks + 15 Laurels.
- Ring: Gift of the Hidden Scion. 100 Elegy Mosaics + 15 Pulsing Brandsparks + 10 Laurels.
- Ring: Kole’s Tormented Eye. 100 Elegy Mosaics + 15 Pulsing Brandsparks + 10 Laurels.
- Amulet: Jahnus’s Stained Pectoral. 150 Elegy Mosaics + 25 Pulsing Brandsparks + 20 Laurels. You can also earn this as a reward by finishing Path of Fire: Act 3 Mastery.
Ascended Harrier’s Trinkets
Ascended Harrier’s trinkets are for sale in the Path of Fire maps in exchange for Trade Contracts, Pulsing Brandsparks, and Laurels.
NOTE: This set has only one Accessory. This means in order to fill out your equipment, you will either need to get a stat-selectable Accessory, or buy a second Anthem of Liberty and either infuse or attune it to create a new version.
- Accessory: Elonian Travel Pass. 3,000 Trade Contracts + 40 Pulsing Brandsparks + 20 Laurels
- Ring: Corsair’s Ring. 1,500 Trade Contracts + 15 Pulsing Brandsparks + 10 Laurels.
- Ring: Sigil of the Fool. 1,500 Trade Contracts + 15 Pulsing Brandsparks + 10 Laurels.
- Amulet: Goren’s Eel-Tooth Charm. 2,000 Trade Contracts + 25 Pulsing Brandsparks + 15 Laurels. You can also earn this as a reward for finishing Path of Fire: Act 2 Mastery.
Ascended Marshal’s Trinkets
Ascended Marshal’s trinkets are for sale in the Path of Fire maps in exchange for Trade Contracts, Pulsing Brandsparks, and Laurels.
NOTE: This set has only one Accessory. This means in order to fill out your equipment, you will either need to get a stat-selectable Accessory, or buy a second Anthem of Liberty and either infuse or attune it to create a new version.
- Accessory: Anthem of Liberty. 3,000 Trade Contracts + 40 Pulsing Brandsparks + 20 Laurels
- Ring: Dunkoro’s Treasure. 1,500 Trade Contracts + 15 Pulsing Brandsparks + 10 Laurels.
- Ring: Nadijeh’s Dynastic Signet. 1,500 Trade Contracts + 15 Pulsing Brandsparks + 10 Laurels.
- Amulet: First Spear’s Icon. 2,000 Trade Contracts + 25 Pulsing Brandsparks + 15 Laurels. You can also earn this as a reward for finishing Path of Fire: Act 1 Mastery.
Ascended Nomad’s Trinkets
Before you can buy ascended trinkets with Nomad’s stats, you have to unlock them. Each Nomad’s trinket is unlocked with a different set of Living World Season 2 achievements. See each trinket’s page on the official wiki for more details about which achievement you need to unlock each trinket.
After you unlock one of these trinkets, you can buy them from many different vendors, for varying combinations of Laurels, Badges of Honor, Globs of Ectoplasm, Magnetite Shards, and gold. See each trinket’s page on the official wiki to see the various costs you can pay for each item.
- Accessory: Quetzal Crest
- Accessory: Ventari’s Chisel
- Ring: Forgotten Band
- Ring: Sandford Family Ring
- Amulet: Aspect Amulet
Ascended Sinister Trinkets
Before you can buy ascended trinkets with Sinister stats, you have to unlock them. Each Sinister trinket is unlocked with a different set of Living World Season 2 achievements. See each trinket’s page on the official wiki for more details about which achievement you need to unlock each trinket.
After you unlock one of these trinkets, you can buy them from many different vendors, for varying combinations of Bandit Crests, Laurels, Globs of Ectoplasm, Magnetite Shards, and gold. See each trinket’s page on the official wiki to see the various costs you can pay for each item.
- Accessory: Caithe’s Blossom
- Accessory: Caithe’s Remorse
- Ring: Verata’s Seared Ring (Only sold for Bandit Crests + gold)
- Ring: Plague Signet
- Amulet: Jurah’s Jewel
Interested in a set of ascended trinkets not listed here? Leave a comment and let us know!
Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash